If you want to fail, simply have lots and lots of choices: Hicks’ Law Revisited

23 Aug

When learning skills and ingraining them as muscle memory or autopilot responses, it is important that only one way be taught. W.E. Hicks’ 1952 study found that as possible responses increased from one to two, reaction time increased by 58 percent. In other words, having to choose between options takes time, and the more options you have, the greater the reaction time. This is often referred to as “Hicks’ Law“, but Sun Tzu said the same thing many centuries ago: “The more possibilities you present to the enemy, the more diffuse he is forced to become. The more diffuse he becomes, the more difficult it is for him to concentrate sufficiently to make a successful attack.” … Thus, a simple set of skills, combined with an emphasis on actions requiring complex and gross motor muscle operations (as opposed to fine-motor control), all extensively rehearsed, allows for extraordinary performance levels under stress. 

The above is an excerpt from Dave Grossman‘s On Combat book. My brother is a police officer outside of Atlanta, and his area of expertise (keeping the peace) is very different from mine (performance enhancement). However, this book sort of brought our two professional worlds together. He loaned it to me, and although it’s taken close to two years to read the first seventy pages, I’m finally into it and discovering some really interesting parallel’s between sport/exercise and police work/combat (so expect additional posts in the future regarding other interesting tidbits from this book).

Let’s focus on one particular line in this quote: “… having to choose between options takes time, and the more options you have, the greater the reaction time.” This is great stuff for coaches to remember – if you want your athletes to fail, simply give them lots and lots of choices. The same can be said for commanding officers and their soldiers, or even parents and their children. For example, I’ve noticed this phenomenon with my (almost) five-year-old son, Malachi. If he wants to eat some cereal for breakfast, I might say, “Malachi, do you want Life, Cheerios, Rice Krispies, or Kix?” He takes an extraordinarily long time to answer. Sometimes that’s frustrating to me because I just want to grab a box of cereal out of the pantry and be done with it. But it takes his little brain a (relatively) massive amount of time to sort through all of those options and determine which cereal to choose. When he is presented with only two options, his answer is much quicker and usually more confident.

You’ve seen this play itself out in sports: All baseball stadiums have eliminated any color or movement from the outfield wall directly behind the pitcher’s mound. Why? The batter has a hard enough time trying to detect the baseball coming out of the pitcher’s hand and determining if he should swing or not and doesn’t need additional stimuli from centerfield. Think of the basketball free throw, as illustrated in the photo. The additional stimulus of the fat man doing the hula might distract the shooter, giving him additional things to think about which might compromise his shot.

Obviously, choosing a cereal (or a TV show, or a movie, or which toy to play with, or which t-shirt to wear) is of very low consequence. Nothing of value is lost because of a delay in reaction. But what if the setting is more important? And it’s good to note that “importance” is a relative term: a sport event is more important than cereal; a police officer deciding whether he should shoot or not is MUCH more important than a sport event. Hick’s Law doesn’t discuss this, but I wonder if the relative level of importance also plays a role in one’s ability to maximize reaction time.

The bottom line is this: when it comes to providing multiple options in which a quick reaction is desired, use the KISS method – keep it simple. The best way to keep it simple is to actively manage (i.e, minimize) the number of options that are available. And keep this in mind: you perform like you practice. So if you practice, whether as an athlete, police officer, fireman, etc., using the KISS method but then the expectation during performance is that you’ll be able to manage multiple, often conflicting, options, your chances of successfully completing the performance are drastically reduced. Keep it simple and practice like you’ll performance.

What do you think?

An example of poor reaction time. Did too many stimuli play a role?


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10 responses to “If you want to fail, simply have lots and lots of choices: Hicks’ Law Revisited

  1. PCC Advantage

    August 23, 2011 at 12:03 pm

    First of all, I think it’s hilarious that it’s taken you 2 years to get into the book. Ridiculous. Haha.

    Second of all, this was a fantastic post!

    • Matthew D. Ruiz, Ph.D.

      August 23, 2011 at 8:08 pm

      It sat by my bed that entire time. When I picked it up, there was a nice layer of dust (much to my wifey’s chargrin). I doubt my brother even remembers loaning it to me …
      Usually I devour books (and blogs) like they’re going out of style, but this one was slow going. I’m into it now … so watch out!

      I’m glad you liked it!

  2. John P DiMarzio Jr

    August 23, 2011 at 10:18 pm

    Matthew, I thought back to the talk you gave at the men’s retreat regarding the attributes of the different generations. You mentioned that the current generation tends to believe that there are many truths. Could we replace the word truths with options and thus why it is harder to make a ‘right’ decision?

    • Matthew D. Ruiz, Ph.D.

      August 24, 2011 at 8:46 am

      Wow – you know what, I like that a lot. You might be on to something. Hick’s Law is really about physical reactions to stimuli, but the psychological, mental, and emotional parallels shouldn’t be ignored. I like your hypothesis.

  3. John DiMarzio Sr

    August 24, 2011 at 9:11 pm

    Matthew I believe we can relate this to our ministry questionnaire. You think?

  4. Nathan Ruiz

    August 27, 2011 at 9:20 pm

    Excellent Brother! When I used to take those Bjj classes, the instructor would throw around Bruce Lee’s quote; “I fear not the man who has practiced 10000 kicks once, but I fear the man who has practiced one kick 10000 times.

    Bruce Lee

    I just got out of Patrol Rifle class last week. We shot close to 600 rounds, repeatedly performed failure drills, combat and tactical reloads, and transitions to our handgun, so it would become muscle memory.

    Speaking of memory… I do remember LOANING you that book!

    • Matthew D. Ruiz, Ph.D.

      August 28, 2011 at 1:32 pm

      It took me a while to get into it, but now that it’s going, I’m reading it like crazy. Good stuff – I’m glad you loaned it to me. I don’t know why I’d never made the connection between what you do and what I do before, but this book makes it very obvious. My goal is to finish it by Thanksgiving, since that’s when you gave it to me …

  5. Douglas Nissen

    August 29, 2011 at 1:36 pm

    Matthew thanks for the post. I see this happening in youth soccer. Many uninformed soccer coaches spend hours teaching a wide range of dribbling moves to their young players so they may wrong foot their opponents. I have watched coaches come to practice with a list of 10 or more soccer moves with names like the Zico, Cruyff, Stanley Matthews, or the Scissors move just to name a few. The coaches feel the moves are essential to the success of their team. The coaches have their kids spend hours practicing the moves against bright orange cones and many of the kids become quite proficient at each move. However, place the player in a game under pressure from their opponents and you can almost see their brain trying to decide which of the dozen or so moves they should use to beat the defender. 99% of the time the defender delivers a crushing tackle leaving the kid lying on their back trying to figure out what went wrong.

    I am going to go out on a limb and say the worlds best athletes have an arsenal of moves or tricks they use to beat an opponent; however they more than likely use one maybe two favorite moves 99% of the time.

    • Matthew D. Ruiz, Ph.D.

      August 30, 2011 at 10:56 am

      Doug – that was incredibly well said! I think your soccer example is apt and relevant, and it says a lot about the state of youth sports (particular the quality and education of the coaches). Your last statement is probably true also, although I’ve never seen research on such a phenomenon – that would fantastically interesting research. Great thought, and good to hear from you!


What do you think?